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June 08, 2008


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Jean B.

Hi, Karen,

I have this book and a lot of other antique cookbooks and recipe booklets (etc.). You and I seem to be on the same page with what we are doing, but you have a blog, and my ramblings are in my entries about each item (unless I manage NOT to do research on them in an attempt to make more progress on my heaps).

Your musing here about finding such things in estate sales also really resonates with me. I consider myself to be a rescuer of such things. The card files and manuscript cookbook found at such venues make me even sadder--and strengthen my resolve to skitter about looking for things to rescue.

Karen Carew

I have this same book (Rumford Complete Cookbook, 1908 and first edition) that I purchased at a garage sale in Lodi, CA in the 70's. This book is in perfect condition and came with some old letters with postmarked envelopes from1912,1909 from SF to Sierra City, CA. So interesting. I wonder if this book is worth very much and how I might best find out.

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